Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Back to Austin

We'll be rolling into town the last weekend in June -- friday is full. We have a couple of spaces open Saturday, July 1 and Sunday, July 2.

Austin-- email me if you're interested in any meeting with us to do your interview and shoot that weekend.

Dallas-- we have a couple of times open this weekend.

Sorry for the haitus-- We're now, OFFICIALLY back on track!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I wanted to post a few more photos since we haven't had a shoot in a couple of weeks (and we're still missing a few release forms from the shoots we HAVE done). The photography is a HUGE part of the project (obviously), and I was hoping to have new intro/bio entries at least every other week or so... oh well.

I was also only going to post 1 photo per person (the one on the bio), but we've pretty much already selected the photos that we're using in the final piece-- and EVERYONE has had such great photos from their shoot... so, what they hay-- you guys are gonna get to see a few more :)

Here's the first one...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Blog Postings

At the brilliant suggestion of one of our project participants, we've decided to add ALL participants (once they've completed their in-person interview and turned-in the release form) as members of this blog!

I think reading it will be a great addition to the project blog-- and add an interesting dimension to the project itself :)

Those of you who have already turned in your release form should be receiving the invitation to join sometime this afternoon.

We're looking forward to reading your thoughts and perspectives as you have the time to post!